Fictitious Name Florida Company


Register a Fictitious Name in Florida for your Business — $250.00 + State Filing Fee of $50.00


licensing agreement affordable florida business attorneyIf your company does not operate as a corporation, partnership or LLC, is likely operating as a sole proprietorship, but possibly using a fictitious name. Any name under which you are operating your business must be registered with the state of Florida. The fictitious name registration costs $ 250 plus the state filing of $50.  Our fee includes the advertising fee (required by Florida law). We can register your fictitious name in 2-3 business days. Florida requires that you post your fictitious name in a newspaper in the county where you operate before they will register your name.  Our firm will submit the necessary advertisement as required under Florida law prior to such registration.

A fictitious name is the name under which one conducts business other than under their legal name. 

Example: you have your own locksmith business, but have not registered it as a corporation or LLC.  While your business is operating as a sole proprietor, it has no real name.  However, you operate your business under the name “AAA Locksmith,” and that name appears on all of your marketing materials and on the signs at your store. “AAA Locksmith” is a fictitious name.  All fictitious names must be registered with the state of Florida.

If you do not register your fictitious name, you may be unable to open bank accounts for your company, and may not be able to initiate litigation on behalf of your company if you need to sue somebody or collect payment for products or services rendered.

What are the fictitious name filing fees in Florida?

Florida charges $ 50.00 to register your fictitious name.

What are the requirements to register my fictitious name?

The state of Florida requires that you advertise your fictitious name in a newspaper in your county for at least one day before you can register your fictitious name.

If you are interested in this service, please fill out our side bar contact form and Mr. Regojo will contact you shortly.