Form an LLC in Florida with an Attorney


Form an LLC in Florida with an Attorney — $600.00

Form an LLC in Florida with affordable business lawyerDo you need to start a limited liability company in the State of Florida?  If you intend on operating a business in the State, it is imperative that you do so as a corporation or an LLC.  With an LLC, you can protect your personal assets and finances from legal claims of others against your business, limiting the personal responsibility that you would owe in the event of a corporate bankruptcy or a lawsuit.  With an unregistered business, you may end up being liable for all the acts of your corporation.

Regojo Law can help you start a new LLC for $600, including the state filing fees, application for an EIN and registered agent service for one year.

What do I need to form an LLC in Florida?

  • A name for your new business.  All LLCs must end with the word LLC, L.L.C., or Limited Liability Company
  • A registered agent within the state
  • An EIN- if you plan on opening bank accounts, hiring employees or conducting business in the United States.

You do not need the following:

  • You do not need a Social Security Number or an ITIN
  • You do not need an address in the US
  • You do not need to be a US citizen or resident
  • There is no minimum capital investment required

The process is easy.  We will ask a few questions about your new business and we’ll take care of the rest.

If you are interested in this service, please fill out our side bar contact form and Mr. Regojo will contact you shortly.